Collection: Additives & Clarification

Beer brewing additives and clarifications are essential for crafting a high-quality brew with consistent flavor and clarity. Yeast nutrients, for example, are vital in ensuring that the yeast has all the essential elements it needs to ferment effectively, promoting healthy yeast activity and preventing off-flavors or stuck fermentation. Gypsum, a mineral salt, helps to adjust the water chemistry, enhancing hop bitterness and improving the overall balance of the beer by mimicking the mineral profile of traditional brewing regions. Campden tablets, which contain potassium metabisulfite, are used to eliminate chlorine and chloramines from the brewing water, protecting the beer from unwanted chemical reactions that can lead to off-flavors or spoilage. Additionally, clarifying agents like Irish moss or gelatin help to clear the beer by binding with proteins and polyphenols that can cause haze, resulting in a cleaner, more visually appealing product. These additives and clarifications work together to enhance the beer's flavor, stability, and appearance, ensuring a brew that is both enjoyable and professional.

Brewing additives and clarifications